DJoNemesis and Lilly

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Bonne Hugo, The Lovely Phantom Haunting the Louvre Museum and The Père-Lachaise Cemetery

Wife of Ugo Bona, Bonne Hugo is a lovely female phantom who lives inside the Louvre Museum in Paris. She is the protector spirit of some music artists: Fratelli Stellari and DJoNemesis & Lilly. Bonne Hugo performs two shows every night, from Thursday to Sunday.

During winter Bonne lives in the Louvre, while on summer she haunts the Père-Lachaise Cemetery. When visiting the Louvre or the Père-Lachaise, please ask to the guides some information about this nice entity.

Visit her channel on YouTube

Bonne on Google Plus

Saturday, 28 October 2017

I CD musicali e i libri dei Fratelli Stellari alla Libreria Fratini di Firenze

Fratelli Stellari, DJoNemesis & Lilly: CD musicali e libri
disponibili alla Libreria Fratini di Firenze.

Fratelli Stellari, DJoNemesis & Lilly: music CDs and books

available at Libreria Fratini in Florence.

Libreria Fratini, Via Del Lasca 1AR (Zona Le Cure), Firenze.
Tel. 055 246 62 22  -

- "Space Voyage Compilation" (audio CD);

- "Aglien Discomix" (audio CD);

- "Advent of the Space Gods" (audio CD);

- "50 Sfumature di Alieno" (libro, Youcanprint);

- "Dall'Egitto con Furore" (libro, Youcanprint).

"Arrival Prophecy" (audio CD).

Friday, 20 October 2017

Fratelli Stellari on the Big Screen at "L'Erta del Bau", Ice-Cream and Chocolate Shop in Florence

Fratelli Stellari appear on the Big Screen at "L'Erta del Bau" (Ice-Cream and Chocolate Shop, Via Paoletti 32/38r, Florence): continuous shows during the opening hours, 18-31 October 2017.

I Fratelli Stellari appaiono sul Maxischermo alla Gelateria-Cioccolateria "L'Erta del Bau" (Via Paoletti 32/38r, Firenze): proiezioni continue durante gli orari di apertura, 18-31 Ottobre 2017.

DJoNemesis, "Ritornata dalla Luce"

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Thursday, 27 July 2017

"Ufo Night Talk-Show": DJ Vequine intervista Mauna Ki

Ugly Sisters 2, The Return: Oriental Show

DJ Vequine Presents: The Green Star Show - Dance-Electronic Music

DJoNemesis & Lilly, "Instrumental Essence Vol. 2": Music Album

"Instrumental Essence Vol. 2", by DJoNemesis & Lilly,
is a digital music album, a compilation of
some pop-dance-electronic tracks
released by Pleyad Studios on June 2017.

It includes 8 instrumental songs:

1. Unclog Your Ears - Palomar Remix (Instrumental) 4:18

2. Ritornata dalla Luce - Pleiades Version (Instrumental) 4:05

3. 50 Shades of Alien - Orion Remix (Instrumental) 4:14

4. Eldorado Esiste (Instrumental) 4:04

5. Oh, Yeah (DJoNemesis & Lilly Remix) - Instrumental 3:53

6. An Ufo Over Turin (Instrumental) 8:53

7. Il Cerchio nel Grano nella Terra dei Cachi (Instrumental) 4:47

8. From Eldorado to the Pleiades (Instrumental Mix) 4:15

Listen for free to all these tracks on Spotify, Deezer and Bandcamp.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Fratelli Stellari, Alien Popstars and Cabaret Artists: Photogallery

Some of the most representative members of the band Fratelli Stellari, from left to right: Dorien Dorion, Stella Demaris, Ritanne du Lac, DJoNemesis.

Above and below: Performance in Turin, 2016

Above: La Vecchina dell'Aceto, also known as DJ Vequine

Above: Performance in Florence, 2015

Above: Sarah Ley, also known as Mauna Ki

Above: Performance in Florence, 2014

Above: Grux La Verte and Perlaliène, Performance in Florence, 2016

Above and below: Performance in Viareggio, 2016

Above and below: Performance in Florence, 2017